A New Life in Jade Heights

Co-written by: Mel and LJ

Zack checked his watch for the umpteenth time and took another quick look out the window overlooking the parking area behind their apartment. He smiled when he spotted the black BMW turning the corner. “My Dads are here, Rene!” he merrily announced. “Let’s go down and greet them, love.”

Rene came out of the bedroom in a different outfit; the fourth one he’d had on that afternoon. He wanted to make a good first impression with Zack’s fathers. Now it seemed, ready or not, they were here and these clothes would have to do. He was very nervous about meeting these two men and even more nervous that they would be staying here in the apartment with him and Zack until their new house was ready.

Zack was waiting by the door with his hand held out towards Rene. Suddenly Rene’s feet froze where he stood in the centre of the living room. “Zack, don’t you want to see them first on your own? I can wait here in the apartment until they come up.”

Seeing the trepidation on his partner’s face, Zack walked over to him and put both hands on Rene’s shoulders. “Rene, love, my fathers are really looking forward to meeting you. They were both very disappointed that you were not here when they came up to finalize the purchase of their home. Of course, they understood you having to go home for your great aunt’s funeral. But you’re here now and as my life-partner, I want you by my side so together we can welcome my parents into our home.” Zack gently kissed his young lover. “I love you, baby, and I am so proud to introduce you as mine.”

Rene thought with sadness about his trip home for the funeral. It was his father’s Aunt who had passed away, when his father called to inform him of the death, he had made it very clear that Rene was expected to come home, but his ‘homosexual friend’ was not welcome to attend. Now he was about to meet Zack’s two fathers who, from the way Zack spoke, had never shown him anything but love and pride in who he was.

Zack had once again said the right words. He’d told Rene he belonged to him and wanted to introduce him as his. So Rene drew up his courage. “I love you too, Zack, and you make me feel so proud to be yours. Let’s go meet your dads.”

They went downstairs and Rene watched as two very handsome men climbed from their car with big smiles on both their faces when they saw Zack and him approaching.

Todd hurried ahead of Hayden and getting to Zack first, threw his arms around his slightly taller son. “We’re finally here in Jade Heights, Piglet, and this time we’re here to stay,” he announced joyously. Turning to look at Rene, he quickly gave the young man a once over and was more than satisfied by what he saw. His grin broadened as he stepped aside to let Hayden hug their son.

Hayden happily watched Todd greet their son; then, grinning ear-to-ear when his turn came, he took Zack into his arms for a back-slapping hug. “Zack my boy, you’re looking good. Papa and I are so glad to be here.”

He planted a quick kiss on Zack’s cheek and stepped back to also take note of the younger man standing slightly behind his son. The lad looked a bit unsure of himself in the face of this family reunion; his eyes were glued to Zack, obviously searching for reassurance.

Zack enthusiastically returned the hugs and exchanged greetings; although he did cringe slightly at Todd’s use of his childhood nickname. He fervently hoped Rene hadn’t heard.

Reaching behind, Zack pulled his partner to his side and got the introductions under way. “Dad, Papa, this is Rene. He is a wonderful man and the love of my life. Sweetheart, this is my father, Hayden Pierce, and I have always addressed him as ‘Dad’. This is my other father, Todd Pierce, and he will only answer to ‘Papa’. Be warned, love, calling him by anything else is the one infraction he will swat us for; well that and getting in his way when he’s cooking.” Zack wasn’t deliberately trying to heighten the younger man’s anxiety, but he did think it only fair to forewarn him.

Rene felt comforted by Zack’s embrace, but unsure of using the diminutive ‘Papa’ for the man introduced as Todd. So figuring it better not to use any name yet, he put a smile on his face and replied, “I’m please to meet you both. Zack talks about you all the time.” He extended his hand first towards Hayden who was nearest to him.

Hayden smiled at the young man and taking the extended hand into his, wrapped his other hand over the top. “I’m more than happy to meet you, Rene. Zack’s calls home have been filled with nothing but talk of you and your incredible artistic talent; which we were shown first hand when we were here a few weeks ago. Zack took us around town, showing us the various murals you have done. You are a very gifted young man.” He grinned, further watching Rene blush and hearing his soft-spoken thanks.

Todd responded in his usual exuberant way by stepping up to Rene and hugging him. “I’m so pleased to finally meet you and welcome you into the family. I more than agree with Hayden in regards to your remarkable ability; you have a spectacular technique with texture and colours. I would simply love to watch you working.”

Seeing the shocked look on his partner’s face, Zack came up with a way to alleviate the young man’s discomfort. “How about we take this meet and greet upstairs?” he suggested. “Is there anything we can carry in for you, Dad?”

Zack knew if anyone could put Rene at his ease, it would be Todd. However, he also acknowledged it would take a bit of time as Rene was far from being a touchy-touchy, feely-feely type of guy; not that it would present a deterrent for Todd.

“Thanks, Son. We’ve got some bags in the trunk that we’ll need, or should I say I have a bag; Papa has a dozen.” Hayden good-naturedly accepted the slap on the arm Todd gave him for his teasing. He got the trunk open and lifted out several bags. Each man took a suitcase or two and they headed up the stairs to the apartment.

After depositing the bags he’d carried into the spare bedroom, Rene headed to the kitchen thinking it would be nice to put out the snacks and beverages they had planned to offer once Zack’s fathers had settled in. He got the seven layer dip and tortilla chips laid out, along with a tray of fresh fruit, cheese and crisp breads. After putting these things on the coffee table, he went back for the beverages. Zack had made a large pitcher of iced tea with slices of lemon and lime to serve. Rene placed the pitcher along with four glasses on a tray and carried it into the living room.

Zack and his Dads were just coming out of the bedroom as Rene placed the tray on the coffee table along side of the snacks. He felt proud when Zack flashed him a smile. Maybe it would be okay after all to have Zack’s fathers here.

“Oh, this looks scrumptious!” Todd exclaimed, helping himself to a chunk of watermelon and a piece of cheese. “It’s just what we need to tide us over until supper.” He leaned closer to Rene and said in a stage whisper, “I was starting to feel a bit peckish as we didn’t stop on the way up and have only had a sandwich and coffee since this morning. Hayden was just so anxious to get here and meet you.” Todd winked at Rene and turned to see Hayden rolling his eyes.

Rene smiled at Todd’s remark. Zack had been right in his description of his ‘Papa’ and Rene knew he was going to like this man. They were so different from his own family. “Thank you, sir. I’ve been anxious to meet both of you as well. And I’m very happy you’re going to stay here with us until your house is ready.” He said this while pouring the iced tea into the tall glasses. “Can I offer you a drink?” He reached to hand one to Todd, but instead knocked the glass over on the table and splattering it all over the other man’s pale khakis.

Rene jumped up and ran towards the kitchen. “Oh my God, sir, I’m so clumsy. I’ll get you a towel!”

“Hey, it is all right, Rene. It is only tea and won’t stain,” Todd tried to assure the edgy young man. “I was already planning to change my clothes, so it’s no big deal.” He pointedly glanced at his son, apparently expecting Zack to follow his partner and put his mind at ease.

Zack took his father’s blatant hint and went after his partner to bolster the young man’s self-confidence. “Rene, love, it’s okay. My fathers know it was only an accident due to you being a little nervous of them. No one is upset. That is no one except you, babe, and you needn’t be.” Zack prevented his Brat from leaving the kitchen by wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. “Calm down, sweetheart. You’re doing fine.” He glanced down into the beautiful blue eyes that always made his heart beat faster and gently smiled. “The only issue where you’re treading on thin ice is repeatedly calling Papa ‘Sir’. He’s cutting you some slack for the moment, but I wouldn’t expect his tolerance to last much longer.” Zack winked to let the man in his arms know he didn’t have to take things so seriously.

Rene felt tears welling in his eyes. He scrubbed them away with his fists, not wanting to seem overly emotional. It felt so good to be reassured and held in Zack’s arms. “I’m so clumsy when I get nervous, Zack. I just want your dads to like me.” He took a deep breath. “I’m okay. You can let me go. I’ll get your Papa a towel and something to clean up the mess. You go back to be with them.”

“You can get the towel but we’ll go back in there together, sweetheart,” Zack insisted.

Hayden took some paper napkins from the coffee table. He tossed a few on the spill on the table and floor and handed some to Todd to dry off his pants. “Here these should help. Poor boy’s a bit of a nervous wreck, isn’t he? I hope Zack is making him feel better.” He grinned. “You know, love, he reminds me a bit of you when you were that age and how nervous you were the time we entertained the senior partners from the first firm I worked for.”

“No need to remind me of that. I wanted everything to be perfect and instead so many things went wrong. I can certainly sympathize with Rene.” Todd managed to wipe the excess liquid from his pants but still feeling uncomfortable in them, decided to change. “I’m going to put on my jeans. I planned to change into them anyway before going to the house to oversee the unpacking of the van when it gets there in an hour’s time.”

“Did I just hear someone say something about going to oversee the movers doing their job?” Zack asked as he and Rene walked in from the kitchen, his voice light with amusement. “Rene and I have freed up our schedules for this weekend should you need any help.”

Hayden watched with amusement as a still somewhat nervous Rene handed Todd a towel and began cleaning up the rest of the spill.

“Papa here insists on supervising the moving crew. He’s afraid they won’t handle his things with the respect they deserve,” Hayden teased. “We will not be unpacking until the painters and the bathroom reno-guys are finished. We’re just going to have them deposit the boxes and covered furnishings into the centre of each room they are designated for. However, if you two would like to join us to help ensure things are sorted properly, we’d be grateful.”

“Thank you, Rene.” Todd accepted the towel and proceeded to soak up the remaining wetness, leaving behind a slightly damp residue. Hoping to make the younger man feel better, Todd put his plans to change pants on hold and sat down to enjoy the refreshments. Doing what to him came naturally; he unconsciously took on the responsibilities of host and poured out four tall glasses of ice tea.

Handing Hayden a glass and a napkin, Todd added to his partner’s explanation. “Just because all the boxes are clearly marked doesn’t insure them being placed in the allocated areas right side up. I, for one, do not intend to take any chances on our precious belongings getting damaged. Piglet, your and Rene’s help is graciously accepted.”

“Well I don’t want to rush anyone,” Zack brought up half an hour later. “But I suggested we finish up here and after you get out of those wet slacks, Papa, we all head over to your new home. If we hang around here much longer, the movers will be there and gone without our even seeing them.”

Todd didn’t need any further encouragement to accompany his husband into their room. As much as he didn’t want to say anything, the pants were becoming uncomfortable.

“Please give me a hand clearing up in here, love,” Zack softly requested, leaning closer to his partner. He had been pleased to see the younger man settle down and gradually relax to the point of taking part in the conversation by quietly answering any questions put to him.

“Of course,” Rene replied as he began to gather the things up off the table and carry them through to the kitchen.

When he and Zack were well out of hearing range, Rene looked at his lover with a grin on his face. “Piglet?” he asked. “Your Papa calls you Piglet?” With that Rene burst out laughing.

“Don’t even go there, Brat. He’s called me that for as long as I can remember and there’s no chance of changing him now,” Zack responded, stacking the dishes in the dishwasher. He couldn’t help but laugh along with his partner. “So you’re feeling more comfortable and up to going over to the new house with my dads?”

“Yeah, I like your dads, Zack. They’re really nice. I’m sorry I was such a nervous mess before. You’re just so lucky you to have parents that love you for who you are. I wish I had a family like that, one that loves everything about me. Not one who just loves me cuz I’m their son and that’s what they’re supposed to do even when they don’t much like me,” Rene said sadly.

Zack placed his hands on his partner’s shoulders and gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. “You were fine, my love. And, Rene, as long as you belong to me, you will have a family who loves you,” Zack solemnly promised before deeply kissing the love of his life. They were interrupted by a shout from the other room. Zack doubled over with laughter at the look on Rene’s shocked face when Papa’s words were heard. “Come on, you two Piglets, or we’ll be leaving you behind!”


They were all in Hayden’s BMW on the way to the new house and Todd was talking excitedly about the plans he had for the decor. Hayden thought it was good to hear his husband so happy and excited. He glanced in the rear view mirror and got warm feeling at the sight. Zack and Rene were as cuddled together as two people wearing seat belts could be. Rene’s head was leaning against Zack’s shoulder and Zack’s arm was wrapped around his young partner. Hayden discretely tapped Todd on the leg and tipped his head toward the back to indicate his husband should look. Todd grinned happily at what he saw.

They had been concerned that Zack would never find a suitable partner living in this small town, but fortune had brought their son this wonderful young man. Zack had never looked happier or more contented. They’d seen him with a few different boy friends over the years but Hayden could tell this boy was the one.

“Well, we’re here,” he announced as they pulled into the driveway of the old colonial style home. “The new Pierce homestead; and just in time I see.” The large moving van with Todd’s V.W. Bug in tow, pulled up behind them.

Todd was first out of the car and hastening towards the front door, key in hand. Swinging the door open wide, he stepped back onto the porch and waved at the movers, laughing joyfully. “We made it here ahead of you without a moment to spare. Come have a quick walk through, Rene,” he invited. “Zack’s already seen the house but you haven’t.”

Rene looked to Zack and got a smile of approval and teasing wink before he followed Todd into the house. What Zack had said to him in the kitchen before they’d left home made him feel so happy. Rene loved it when Zack would remind him that he belonged to him, he didn’t supposed he could ever hear that too many times. It just felt so good to feel for the first time, that he really belonged somewhere and to someone. And now Zack’s dads, whom he’d only just met, were making him feel he was a part of their family. Life was good.

Rene was immediately impressed with the beauty of this old home. The original woodwork was still in place and the hardwood floors gleamed. Though the paint and wallpaper was a bit tired-looking, it would not take too much to freshen those up. Todd walked him through to the kitchen which had obviously been recently renovated to suit modern day needs while still remaining true to the old colonial styling. He thought for just a moment about what it would feel like to one day purchase a house with Zack. Though he loved their apartment, a house would be a nice thing to have in their future.

As they continued the tour, Rene listened contently to Todd’s voice as he talked about what he was planning for each room. They came back to the main entryway just as the movers were bringing in the first of the boxes.

“It’s a beautiful home, sir. I can see you’ll both be very happy here.”

“Oh, those boxes go into the kitchen. Please take care as everything in them is breakable,” Todd instructed before turning to Hayden. “I’ve showed Rene the whole house except the cellar and I absolutely refuse to go down there. If he wants to see it, you’ll have to take over as tour guide.”

“No, no, no, not there!” Todd squealed and when running after one of the movers that apparently was heading in the wrong direction.

Hayden rolled his eyes as he watched Todd chase down the poor mover. He was going to have to keep an eye on his husband. These guys just might not take well to Todd’s exuberant personality. He turned his attention momentarily back to Rene. “The cellar is just a large unfinished room with the furnace, water heater and some storage shelving. You’re welcome to have a look but it’s no showcase.”

Hearing raised voices down the hall, Hayden looked to his son. “Zack, could I ask you to direct the movers here at the door, while I see what Papa is on about?”

“No problem,” Zack assured his father and moved aside to let pass another burly man with his arms piled high with cartons labeled ‘Kitchen’ in big black letters. He smiled at Rene and asked him about his impressions of the house, pleased with the enthusiasm that accompanied his Brat’s complimentary remarks.

“In case you’re wondering, Papa won’t go near the basement because he insists it’s overrun by spiders. He’s determined to have the place fumigated before they move in. Dad may as well let Papa have his way or one of them will end up wanting to wring the other’s neck.”

Once their laughter died down some, Zack commented on the time it was taking to empty the van. “I’d suggest we assist in order to speed things up but they’d probably tell us their insurance would be null and void if our help was accepted. Mind you, considering the amount of stuff crammed into that trailer, those four guys are working like a well-oiled machine. Now if Dad can only keep Papa occupied, another half hour should see the movers on their way and us heading to the Maple Grille for supper.” He chuckled when his stomach chose that moment to growl its’ complaint at being empty.

Rene had done his best to help out while the movers did their job. At one point while he was in the kitchen, Rene heard the sound of Todd’s raised voice coming from somewhere on the second floor. Though he could not make out what the younger Mr. Pierce was saying, it sounded as if the man was upset about something. However, total silence reined when the distinctive baritone of Hayden Pierce was heard clearly issuing a single command, "Enough!"

Zack had told him his dads had a discipline relationship as well and Rene wondered at that moment if after all these years, they still used spanking as a part of it. Not that he’d probably ever know, but he was a bit curious. Would Zack still spank him after they’d been together for thirty-five years? “Sure hope we’re together long enough to find out,” he mumbled to himself.

A short while later, the movers finished bringing in the last of the furniture. Hayden signed the paperwork for the disgruntled looking head man and slipped several folded twenty dollar bills into the guy’s hand as he thanked him. The mover had the good grace to smile and thank Hayden before making a hasty departure.

Rene hadn’t seen or heard Todd since the incident upstairs and he hoped the other man was okay. His concerns were put to rest when Todd came flouncing down the staircase with a large grin on his face.

“They’re finally gone and not a single item was damaged. See, my love, I told you we had nothing to fret over.” Todd sidled up to Hayden and putting his arm around his husband’s waist, leaned his head against the taller man’s shoulder.

Hayden wrapped his arms around his husband and kissed the side of his face. “Of course you were right, love, all went fine with the move. I don’t know what I was worried about,” he teased.

“All the boxes are neatly piled in the center of the rooms they belong in and will not be in the painters’ path. Of course, we’ll have to be here everyday just to make sure the renovators do things just the way we want it, right?” Todd gazed up at Hayden.

“Yes, we will be by everyday to see if all is well; once each day for an inspection. We will not be staying here to watch over the professionals we have hired. We have contracts with them that give specific instructions of our wishes, so there is no need to sit on top of them as they work. Now, how about we go get some dinner; I don’t know about you three, but I’m starved!”


Todd stood staring at the wall, oblivious to the paint dripping off the brush in his hand and landing on the floor. “How the hell did I get into this mess?” he derisively questioned. “It’s simple, dimwit, you deliberately did exactly what Hayden has been telling you not to do since the work began.”

The week had sped by in a hectic rush of activities; very busy but also enjoyable as the older men visited with their son and got to know Zack’s partner. Most the contractors had completed the work in the new home, the en suite had been renovated, walls had been painted and/or wallpapered, the floors sanded and varathaned, and the new furnishings had been delivered. Only one room remained unfinished and that was the master bedroom where Todd now stood contemplating his fate.

“Okay, so painting is obviously harder than it looks but this is still the wrong colour,” he griped to himself as there was no one around to hear him. That’s right. The painters had walked off the job over an hour ago. “Those guys refused to acknowledge that this is ivory when I specifically requested cream. Who would have thought colour-blind people could be painters?”

Looking down at the brush he held, Todd disgustedly threw it back in the bucket causing paint to splash over the sides. “Besides, this is all Hayden fault,” he huffed, stomping out of the room. “He should never have gone to Vancouver and left me to deal with things on my own.” He easily convinced himself that his absurd reasoning made sense. “I better get some assistance if I’m going to get this clean up before that husband of mine returns,” he muttered as he left the house and headed into town.

Less than fifteen minutes later, Todd pulled up in front of the Daycare Centre where Rene was doing a mural with nursery characters. Fortunately, even though it was only four o’clock, the young man was wrapping things up for the day.

“I need help, Rene!” Todd breathlessly exclaimed, having raced in from the parking lot.

Rene was startled by Todd’s sudden arrival and plea for help. He was concerned that something serious had happened, but was relieved when the older man explained the predicament he was in with the painters.

Though not a housepainter, Rene had a good knowledge of paint and colour. He soon had Todd whisked through the paint store, leaving with the correct shade of cream-coloured paint in hand.

When they arrived at the house, Rene was shocked by the condition of the bedroom walls and floor where Todd had made his attempt at painting. Not wanting to offend Zack’s father, he tried to politely explain about using drop cloths over the hardwood flooring and about applying paint in thin even coats, not thick ones that cause unsightly drip marks on the walls.

“I think the best we can do now is get the paint off the hardwood before it sets in too much. The walls will have to wait until they are dry enough before the drips can be sanded off,” Rene said with a shake of his head. “It will probably take a couple of hours to...Oh crap!” Talking about time made him suddenly realized it was past time he was due home. Last thing Rene wanted was to be in trouble with Zack’s dads staying at the apartment. “Um... I gotta call Zack. I promised I’d be home about twenty minutes ago.”

Rene pulled out his cell and dialed home, the whole time hoping his lover wasn’t worrying about him. “Hi, Zack; listen, I’m sorry I’m late and didn’t call. Your dad had a problem with the painters and asked me to help him at the house.”


Zack hadn’t been too surprised to find the apartment empty when he entered it shortly after five PM. With his Dad out of town for the day and his Papa off doing his own thing, the welcoming aroma of an evening meal wasn’t there to greet him.

‘It’s funny the things you’ll miss after having them less that a week,’ Zack smiled to himself and set about making supper before heading into the bedroom to change.

Half an hour later, he was frowning at the clock and wondering where his Brat was. Although, Rene was only twenty minutes late, Zack would expect him to at least have a plausible explanation for being so. “It will be interesting to see what’s holding him up this time,” Zack muttered. Just then the phone rang. “Hmm, speak of the devil,” he chuckled and picked up the receiver. “Hello!”

Several moments passed as Rene hastily made his apologies. “You should know better by now, Rene,” Zack mildly chastened his partner. “But it’s not that late, you have called and you’ve been helping Papa. Now take a breath and tell me what exactly has to be done.” He patiently listened to Rene’s brief description of the fiasco and his plans for fixing it as best he could.

“Okay, finish up as much as you can, honey. But I want you and Papa home for supper no later than seven. I mean it, Rene, not one minute later. Bye, love, see you in a bit.”

Zack had barely hung up when the phone rang again. He glanced at the call display and sighed. “Hello, Dad. No, Papa’s not here.” Zack rolled his eyes at the next question. It was not unexpected. “Yes, he’s still at the house.” He grimaced at having to answer the inquiry that followed. “Well from what I understand, there’s a slight dilemma involving the painters.” He smiled at the groan heard from the other end of the line. “Of course, I’ll let him know you called, that you are on your way home and should arrive sometime between eight-thirty and nine. Goodbye. Drive carefully.”

Zack shook his head and began setting the table. ‘That man is going to be stewing about things all the way home,’ he mused.

Hayden shut the cell phone and drew a deep breath. He began to say the mantra that he swore was the only reason he wasn’t currently serving time for the murder of one Todd William Pierce. “I love him, he is my life, I could not live without him, I will not kill him.”

After thirty-five years together, Hayden knew his husband well enough to not be shocked by today’s incident but none-the-less, he continued to live in the naive hope that Todd might just learn to leave some things alone. But then as he drove he had to chuckle. After all, how boring would life be without his beloved’s extremes to spice things up? Of course he’d never let Todd know that.

Now he thought, ‘I only have to go home and try and persuade the painters to come back and finish the job, which I’m sure will cost me a tidy sum of bonus money.’ He realized he’d miss that small room off the master bedroom of their old house, but his new study would make a fine room for disciplining a certain defiant, but beloved Brat.


Rene set to work on the paint splattered hardwood. He was down on his hands and knees with a can of paint thinner, a rag and a piece of ultra-fine steel wool. Todd had tried to help with the removal, but after a few trying moments Rene gently guided him to the task of polishing the areas once the paint had been cleaned off.

They worked diligently, having barely finished the cleaning of the floor when the alarm Rene had set on his cell phone notified him it was six-forty.

“We need to stop now and head back to the apartment. Zack wants us there no later than seven,” Rene informed the older man. He wondered if Todd would argue the point. After all, he didn’t think Zack was in the position to give his Papa orders on what time to be home. Rene only knew he wasn’t going to stay any longer. Zack’s admonishment about not being a minute later than seven was something he was not willing to defy.

Todd was quite contented complying with Rene’s instructions and more than pleased with the end results. Well, most of them. Although the floor was slowly getting back to its’ pristine golden oak finish, the wall he’d tried to paint was still repulsive looking. Of course, Todd insisted that it was mostly due to the paint being the wrong colour.

“Thank you for all your help, Rene. I really do appreciate it,” he said as they were finishing up. “Guess we better get going if we want to make it home on time.” Todd was beginning to wonder he may have inadvertently caused Rene a bit of trouble with his partner. Having lived a discipline lifestyle for thirty-five years, he had easily picked up on the nuance of Rene’s telephone conversation with Zack. It was one thing to be in a quandary himself but quite another to cause a problem for someone else. Todd took it for granted that if Zack wanted Rene home by seven, his son would also expect his Papa home at the same time.

‘Like Father, like Son,’ Todd thought with a smile as he followed Rene’s car back to town.

Rene glanced at the clock as he pulled into the parking lot behind their apartment; it read six fifty-seven. He got the car locked and though the time was tight, he knew it would be rude to head up the stairs right away leaving Todd behind in the parking lot. By the time they walked in the apartment door, Rene could hear the chimes on the kitchen clock finishing their tolling of the hour.

“Zack, we’re home!” he called out. The wonderful scent of Zack’s pasta sauce was coming from the kitchen. He kicked off his shoes in the hallway and ran into the kitchen, where he found his lover pulling a pan of garlic bread from the oven. “We’re on time and mmm, that smells great.”

Zack placed the hot pan on top of the stove, turned off the heat under the sauce and pulled his partner into his arms. “Hi, baby.” He soundly kissed the love of his life and held him close for several minutes after the kiss ended. “Missed you,” he whispered. Lifting his head, he looked round and inquired, “Where did Papa disappear to?”

Getting a shrug from Rene, Zack opened his mouth to call for his father just as Todd sauntered into the kitchen from the direction of the bathroom. Zack smiled at the older man and returned his enthusiastic hug. “Thanks, Papa, for coming home with Rene. Dad called and he’ll be home by nine at the latest. He requested we not hold supper for him.”

Todd’s face lit up at the news. For over a month, he and Hayden had spent most their days together and today had been the first time they’d been apart for any length of time. Todd was somewhat amazed to discover just how much he missed not having his husband almost constantly at his beck and call.

“Then let’s get this meal on the table so we can clean up before he gets here,” Todd exclaimed, happily surveying the two younger men. Selective memory had him successfully delegating any thoughts of trouble to the back of his mind.


Hayden was relieved to finally arrive back in Jade Heights. The trip to Vancouver had been long and sad. The sudden death of his former colleague was shocking to all who knew him. However, it had confirmed that he had made the right decision to insist he and Todd take an early retirement and savour life.

As he climbed the stairs to Zack and Rene’s apartment, he thought about his husband’s day and grimaced slightly. He and Todd needed to have a long talk about what had happened. It was not the way he wanted to spend his evening and certainly the apartment was not the place they could deal with the consequences, but they would work this small glitch out as they had so many others over the years.

“Hello, I’m home!” he called as he walked through the door. It took only seconds before he found the love of his life wrapped in his arms. “Missed you too,” he said as he kissed Todd deeply.

Todd clung to his partner for several long moments, loving the feel of Hayden’s strong arms around him. Eventually stepping back, he looked up and asked, “Are you hungry, my love?”

Hayden shook his head. “No, thank you, love; I stopped for a greasy burger on the way home. What did you all have for your dinner? Something better than I did, I’m sure.”

“You should know better that to eat in those places, Hayden,” Todd lightly admonished. “You sure as hell wouldn’t let me eat in them.” Studying his lover’s handsome face and seeing the lines of fatigue, he ran his fingers gently across the other man’s cheek and murmured, “You’re tired, Darling, aren’t you?”

“You know me too well,” Hayden replied. “I do hate to be anti-social by walking in the door and saying good night, but I am rather worn out from the long day. I hope you folks don’t mind if we head off to bed?” He looked to Zack and Rene.

“That is perfectly all right, Dad. It is understandable that you’d be tired after such a demanding trip.” Zack put his armaround his partner’s shoulders and drew the young man close. “I think Rene and I would also benefit from an early night. Do you agree, sweetheart?” he asked, smiling at his sleepy-looking lover.

Rene’s body betrayed him by letting out a yawn at that very moment. “I guess I have to agree after that, huh? Have a good night.”

“Come, my love. Let’s get you settled. I can only imagine just how tiring this day must have been for you.” Todd went into ‘fuss’ mode as he began to push his partner towards the bedroom. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a niggling thought began to form and he sighed deeply when he realized his behaviour had added to his husband’s already stressful day.

Hayden said a quick goodnight to his son and Rene, then allowed himself to be pushed into the bedroom. He picked up on Todd’s sigh and knew his husband was beginning to stress over the situation at the house with the painters. He was glad to be alone with Todd as it gave them the opportunity to talk. He stripped off his suit as Todd took each piece of clothing from him and hung the suit in perfect order.

Once they were both into their pajamas, he took Todd into his arms. He could feel the tension in his love’s body. “I think, my darling, that we need to have a little talk before bed, don’t you?”

Todd cuddled against Hayden’s side. “I am so sorry, Hayden. I didn’t mean to cause addition problems with the painters today.” He squirmed uncomfortably. “I tried to tell them nicely that the colour they were using was all wrong. The head guy told me to pretend it was the right one but I can’t, Hayden. The ivory is like tinted milk whereas the cream will have a warm rich silkiness to it, and that makes all the difference in the world. Especially when you take into account the brilliant shades of autumn our beddings and other accessories are in.”

Hayden guided them until the two were sitting together on the bed. He rubbed Todd’s back reassuringly. “My love, you have every right to ensure that they are using the colours we picked. However, I do think that there is a bit more to this story than I have at this point. Zack told me the painters walked off the job. Something more than just a simple request for colour change must have lead to that, hmmm?"

Todd’s shoulders slumped and he reluctantly nodded his head. “Well, it’s possible that I might have got a bit carried away. I was really upset over their attitude and I guess they were equally pissed off with mine. They had three walls done and refused to do them over.” He glanced up at his husband and softly added, “I should have waited and let you handle it, huh?”

Hayden sadly shook his head with a small knowing grin. “Sounds like a patented Todd paddy to me. And yes, you do know better than that. If it was going to escalate like that, you should have backed off and let me deal with it tomorrow. They are contracted to do the painting of each room in the colours we chose. If they don’t, they have to redo it. I will deal with the painters in the morning.”

He then took Todd’s chin in his hand and turned his head so they made eye contact. “Now, I’d like to hear about what happened after the painters left.”

Todd grimaced at the thought of the mess he’d made of the fourth wall. “I found a bit of the yellow paint left from the kitchen and put a few drops in the ivory in an attempt to change it to the colour I wanted. Then I tried to apply it to the unpainted area.” He rolled his eyes and bounced on the bed. “You know what, Hayden? Painting is a lot harder than it looks. I had to get Rene to help me. But don’t you worry, we got all the paint off the floor and Rene says all the thick parts on the wall can be smoothed out.” Todd took it for granted that his husband knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Oh, my love, how often have we discussed your impulsiveness over the years?” Not waiting for an answer, Hayden went on. “I’m not even going to ask further about the ‘thick parts’ or the mess on the floor. I think I’d rather not know right now. However, you know we are going to have to deal with this behaviour of yours today.” Hayden paused to let his words sink in.

“This morning before I left, we discussed what you were to do at the house today and what you were not to do. Since you chose not to do as you were told and you went on to further your trouble by trying to do something you knew nothing about, you will feel the consequences of those actions on your backside. However, given where we are right now, it would not be appropriate for us to deal with those consequences tonight. We’ll go over to the house in the morning and find a spot to deal with it there.” He gave Todd a kiss and hugged him tightly.

Todd’s eyes widened. He wasn’t at all surprised by the promised punishment; it was the having to wait that disturbed him. Waiting for anything was definitely not one of his strong points, but waiting for a spanking was almost unbearable. As much as he wanted to plead for Hayden to get it over with, he knew his husband was right. Thiswas simply not the time or place to take care of things. He nodded his compliance even as his eyes filled.

Hayden pulled Todd up to his feet long enough to turn down the bed and guide his fretting, tired husband in and under the covers. He moved quickly to the other side and drew Todd up against him, firmly holding him in the secure manner that Todd found comforting. “It’ll be okay. I love you and we’re fine,” he soothed while rubbing his husband’s back. It wasn’t long before Hayden could feel Todd’s body relax into sleep.

It had been a long day and they would have a difficult morning ahead of them but once the punishment was over, he knew Todd would be able to let go of his feelings of guilt and go back to being his wonderful, if often exasperating, self.


Zack lovingly badgered his tired partner through their nightly routine and soon both men were snuggling under the covers. “Thank you again, sweetheart, for helping Papa out the way you did,” he murmured and kissed Rene’s forehead.

“I didn’t mind helping him out, Zack. I like both your dads and am happy to do what I can.” Rene thought again about that afternoon and the way Zack had commanded both he and Todd to be back by seven on the dot. “Zack, I know you told me you learned about discipline relationships from your dads and well....maybe this is none of my business but when you said we were both to be back by seven, it was an order to me. But, well...was it an order you could give your Papa too?”

“Hmm, I may not have worded it properly as it was a request for my father but an order to you,” Zack responded after giving it some thought. “Although I guess I took it for granted that Papa would come home when you did. Why do you ask?”

Rene’s face flushed. He was still a bit awkward at trying to discuss discipline relationships. “I guess…well, I wasn’t sure, with you being a Top and all, that maybe you kinda take care of your Papa when your Dad isn’t around.” Then he quickly added. “Not that I think you’d punish him or anything; just that you make sure he’s okay and stuff.”

“You probably have a point there. I think I do have a tendency to watch over Papa when Dad isn’t around. Of course, I would never make any demands on him and would certainly never punish him. Both my parents respect me as an adult, but I do believe Papa unconsciously responds on some level to my being a Top. But I would hope I never take his trust for granted. Papa came home with you tonight out of respect, not obedience. Had he not come home at that time, there would not have been any consequences. However, the same could not be said for you and I am pretty sure you know that, right?”

Rene grinned. “Oh yeah, I know I’d of been in trouble if I was later than seven.” He lay in bed thinking more about Zack’s dads and their relationship. It made him feel really good to know that Zack came from such a family and that there was solid proof that the kind of relationship they had, could work over the long haul. He wanted so badly to know that he and Zack would be together for the rest of their lives. Finally his curiosity got the better of him. “Zack, how’d you find out your dads had a discipline relationship?”

Zack took a few minutes to think over the question. He could well understand his Brat’s curiosity. “I found out quite be accident, Rene. I was about seventeen at the time and had returned home late after a school dance. One I went to on my own, in case you’re wondering. Anyway, my dads weren’t around like they usually were, so I went upstairs to let them know I was home and to say goodnight. They were in the small den off to the side of the master bedroom. They were talking and had not heard me come in. I am ashamed to admit that I eavesdropped on their conversation. Some of it had such a darn familiar ring to it, I couldn't help myself. Let me tell you, it sure raised a lot of questions and also answered a lot.” Zack grinned in the darkness, remembering some of the fallout from that error in judgment on his part. “It was a few days later, when I asked my Dad about it.” He paused for a few moments to gather his thoughts.

“Of course I not only found myself having to explain what and how I had overheard, I also found myself face down over my father’s knee...not that unusual an occurrence, mind you. He was not at all impressed with my ‘sneaking about’ as he put it. That being said, he did tell me all about the lifestyle and it made a lasting impression. It also increased the love and respect I had for both my fathers, ten-fold.”

“Wow, Zack, you come from a really special family. Though I guess I shouldn’t be surprised; I can’t believe your dad spanked you even at age seventeen. Would you think I’m weird if I told you I’m glad you found out about it, even if it did get you in trouble for the way you found out. I love the way we are together and love that you have such great dads.” Rene snuggled deeply into Zack, savouring the warmth and comfort of his lover’s arms.

“Hey, my dad could be just as ‘toppy’ with me as he was with Papa.” Zack gave his lover a hug. “Come to think of it, that was the last time I was spanked by him. Either I’ve been exceptionally well-behaved since then or I had been really over the line that last time.” Zack chuckled softly to himself. “Anything else you’d like to know, baby?”

“Yeah, I have one more question.” Rene drew in a breath, hoping this question would not shock his partner. “Zack, would you like to be a dad some day?”

Zack quietly contemplated the idea. “To tell you the truth, sweetheart, I’ve never really given it much thought.” Zack wasn’t sure if he wanted to raise a child or not, but he did want to know his partner’s feelings on the subject. “How do you feel about taking on that kind of responsibility, my love?” he asked softly.

Rene thought for a moment. “I guess I’m like you. I haven’t really thought about it. I know I’m too young and not ready to be anyone’s father at this point in my life, but maybe someday it would be nice to be a daddy.” He hesitated before adding, “That is if the baby had you for its’ dad.”

“Well, I certainly feel it is something we can think about. It might be nice to plan for an addition to the family sometime in the not too distant future.” Zack gently kissed his partner’s lips. “Of course, we’d have to get married first so our son or daughter would be legitimate, right?” Zack kissed his lover again. “Maybe we can talk more about this in the morning. What do you think?”

Rene’s face lit up and his heart was bursting with happiness. Zack may not have actually proposed but his words spoke of the permanence and future he longed for, and his previously sleepy body suddenly awoke with desire. “Yeah, Zack, we can talk in the morning. I got something else I’d rather do now than talk.” He gave his lover a deep passionate kiss. “Make love to me please. I want to feel you so badly.”

Zack’s answer was a deep growl in his throat that sent shivers up his lover’s spine as they both began to harden. He kissed Rene hungrily before slowly working his way down the young man’s neck and chest, nibbling and sucking each nipple, and eliciting tiny whimpers of pleasure from the man beneath him.

Moving lower, he took Rene’s erection into his mouth and smiled when his lover lifted his hips off the bed. Applying a generous dollop of lube to his fingers, he drew little circles around Rene’s tight entrance and felt a quivering response. While he continued to lick and toy with his lover’s manhood, Zack firmly pressed one finger slowly into the opening, then two. He moved them in and out in a steady rhythm, teasing the muscle into relaxing enough to accept him. He sat back and slicked more lube onto his own pulsing shaft, lifted Rene’s legs unto his shoulders and gently pushed into the welcoming body.

Rene had never been with anyone who made him feel the way that Zack made him feel. He loved Zack’s strength and dominance in the bedroom, or whichever room they made love in.

He gasped as Zack slid all the way into him, but the sharp pain was soon replaced with intense pleasure. Zack began moving in strong deep thrusts, hitting Rene’s prostate more often than not. Then he took hold of Rene’s straining erection and began stroking it.

Zack knew Rene’s body language well enough by now to know he had to keep the tempo slow enough to make the moment last as long as possible. Leaning forward, he ran a hand over the firm chest, teased the hardened nipples and worked his way over Rene’s belly and down to the engorged penis. When he felt Rene was close to cumming, Zack picked up the pace until they both found their release.

Too soon Rene felt himself falling over the edge and yelling out his pleasure as he came explosively over his lover’s hand. Zack came more quietly seconds later, planting his seed deep inside his partner. After the convulsions of ecstasy faded, they both collapsed in a boneless tangle of arms and legs.

Rene moaned at the loss when Zack withdrew from him. He was so completely stated that he couldn’t seem to put words together.

It took a few minutes for Zack to regain his senses. He got up and went into their en suite to wash up and get a warm, wet cloth to clean his lover. When he got back, he found Rene sound asleep. Zack cleaned him up, kissed him tenderly and pulled the sheet up over his young lover’s body. Then he got in beside him and snuggled up. Rene didn’t even stir; he had fallen asleep feeling totally loved and happy.


Hayden woke early as had been his habit for many years. He supposed he should enjoy sleeping in a bit now that he was retired. Goodness knew Todd had taken to it, but Hayden’s internal alarm would not be ignored. He donned his rob, tucked the covers around his sleeping husband and followed the smell of coffee into the kitchen.

Zack was alone sitting at the table, reading the morning paper with a small smile of contentment on his face. Hayden couldn’t resist the urge to tease. “Good morning, son. I’m surprised you were able to drag yourself from bed this morning.” At Zack’s quizzical look he added, “Rene is rather vocal.”

“Morning, Dad. Yeap, he’s a bit of a howler all right. But please don’t let him know you heard anything. Rene’s rather bashful, in case you haven’t noticed.” Zack knew his young lover would be mortified if he was aware of their sexual activities being overheard. “Hope we didn’t disturb you too much. I know you older guys need more sleep than we younger ones do.” Zack could give as well as take.

Hayden put on a false scowl and returned the teasing. “Watch how you speak to your elders, little boy. You’re still not too old to turn over my knee.” Just as he finished speaking, he noticed a rather shocked-looking Rene standing in the kitchen doorway.

Rene couldn’t quite believe what he had just heard. “I....ummm, excuse me.” He was about to turn and exit the kitchen when the other two men burst out laughing. Realizing he’d walked in on some sort of joke, he felt embarrassed by his reaction. He flushed and grumbled out a “G’morning” as he headed to the coffee pot, taking a wide berth around his partner.

Zack’s first instinct was to reach for his partner and pull him down onto his lap, but he immediately realized that doing so would further embarrass the young man. He nodded his gratitude when his dad got to his feet, picked up his coffee cup and the newspaper, and left the room quietly mumbling something about going to see if Papa was still sleeping.

Getting up, Zack stepped behind Rene and wrapped his arms around him. “Good morning, my love,” he softly murmured as he nibbled his lover’s earlobe. He felt the young man stiffen and planted soothing kisses down his neck between whispered words of comfort. “It’s okay, baby. We were just being silly.”

Rene sighed and leaned back into Zack’s arms. He couldn’t resist his lover when he kissed his neck like that. “I...I thought...well you know. I’m sorry. I hope your dad doesn’t think I was rude?”

“Oh sweetheart, I doubt very much he thought you rude. My dads think the world of you and not just for the most obvious reasons.” Zack reached passed his lover with one hand and dropped some bread into the toaster, while still maintaining a firm hold on Rene with his other arm. “It isn’t just because you belong to me, or that you love me as much as I love you, or even that you make me happier than I’ve ever been in my adult life; it is also because they see how kind, honest and hard-working you are. They are very proud to have you as a member of the family.”

He turned his partner around and soundly kissed his lips. “Now as much as I’d like to spend all day with you in my arms, we have jobs to do and we’re running late. So how about helping me get breakfast on the table?”

Rene smiled. “Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better.” He gave Zack a quick kiss, then let go of his partner and went to the cupboard to grab the largest mug. He filled it with coffee and took a sip. He hummed with pleasure as he savoured the rich dark brew. Between Zack’s words and the kick of his favourite morning pick-me-up,he felt energized.

“I’ll cut up some fruit for a salad. I know your Papa loves fresh fruit in the mornings.” He went to the fridge and pulled out the ingredients and set to work chopping up the fruit.


Hayden couldn’t help but smile at Rene’s reaction to the mutual teasing he and Zack had shared. Though he knew the lad had been embarrassed, he also knew that Zack would reassure his partner. There was no doubt in his mind that his son had found his life partner, and he was very happy that he and Todd were now living close enough to share in their lives.

He entered the bedroom to see his own beloved had moved into the centre of the bed and was clutching his pillow as he slept. Hayden stretched out beside him and stroked the lightly stubbled cheek. “Hey, beautiful, time to wake up; the boys are making breakfast and we’ve got a busy day ahead.”

Lids slowly lifted to reveal soft blue eyes and Todd smiled up at his husband. Pushing the pillow aside, he nuzzled into Hayden’s chest as he wrapped his arms around the bigger man’s body. “G’morning yourself, gorgeous,” he slurred sleepily. Suddenly he stirred and sat up to swing his legs over the side of the bed. Getting up, he smiled cheekily at Hayden and pointed a finger at him. “Don’t move from there,” he ordered. “I’ll be right back.”

Todd hurriedly let the room and scampered down the hall to the bathroom, where he relieved himself, washed his hands and face, and brushed his teeth. Coming back into the bedroom and shutting the door, he threw himself down on top of his waiting lover and passionately kissed him. “Hmm, coffee,” he murmured, licking his lips.

There was something about an enthusiastic Todd in the mornings that Hayden could never resist. He slid his hands down inside of his husband’s silky pajama pants and took hold of the still firm butt cheeks. He pulled Todd tightly against him, causing their two pajama-covered erections to grind together.

“Need you now!” he growled as he quickly pushed aside the offending garments and kicked them onto the floor. He rolled Todd over onto his back and sat up straddling his lover’s legs. Not waiting for any approval, he bent over and engulfed Todd’s turgid member in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the head then slid it deeper into histhroat. A few minutes of this treatment and Todd was moaning out his release. Hayden swallowed quickly enjoying the sight of his totally blissful lover’s face.

Hayden pulled the bottle of lube from the night table and pumped out a generous amount. With Todd so sated, his muscles were relaxed and it took very little to prepare him. He lifted his lover’s legs back and slid deep inside with a single thrust. “Oh babe...” he moaned.

Todd soon came back to his senses and began to push his hips up to meet his lover’ thrusts. Hayden quickly felt himself crashing over the edge as he pumped his essence into his beloved. He got both himself and Todd cleaned up; then kissed his lover soundly. “We’d better get a move on, honey, or they’ll come looking for us.’

It had been a quick but very sweet way to start what he knew was going to be a trying day. Minutes later, the two men walked hand-in-hand into the kitchen, to be greeted by the grinning faces of their son and his partner.

“I was wondering when you two would surface,” Zack teased as he placed warm toast and several tiny jars of jam on the table, next to the pitcher of orange juice and the bowl of fruit salad. He had a twinkle in his eye when he smiled knowingly at his Dad. “Help yourself; Rene and I have already eaten and have to be heading out. We’ll see you for supper, if not before,” he added, steering his partner out the door.

Hayden and Todd enjoyed their breakfast, talking about anything but the house and the issue with the painters, though Hayden was well aware of a growing tension in his husband as they began to clean up the kitchen.

“Go and take your shower, love. I’ll finish up here then get mine when you’re done.” He could see Todd was about to argue in order to create a delay so he cut him off before he could speak. “Now, Todd, do as I ask please.”

Todd easily recognized the tone of Hayden’s voice and headed off to the shower without a word.

Within short order, the two were dressed and on the way to their new house. Hayden hated to see his normally animated husband sitting so stiff and quiet in the car. He reached over and took Todd’s hand in his. “I love you so much,” he said as he kissed the soft manicured fingers, one at a time. “You are my life.”

Todd gave Hayden a soft smile and squeezed his hand. “I love you, too,” he murmured. He tried to relax but knew it would be impossible to do so until yesterday’s misdeeds had been addressed. He sighed dramatically as he played absent-mindedly with his husband’s strong fingers. “I really am sorry for causing you extra problems, love. You’d think I’d have figured out a way to avoid calamities like this after all these years. I can’t understand sometimes why you just don’t give up on me, because I really don’t see me changing very much at my age.” He shifted in his seat so he could better look at Hayden and watch the other man’s expression. “Maybe you need to use a different approach, huh? What do you think?” Even knowing he deserved it, Todd was willing to try anything to get out of the impending punishment.

Hayden was glad they were turning into the driveway as Todd spoke those last words. He wanted to address them with his full attention. “Let’s go inside, love; we can talk there.”

The freshly painted living room was awash with light from the large arched windows and French doors leading out to the patio. Hayden pulled the cover off the new chesterfield and drew Todd to sit down beside him.

“Now, my beloved, you need to listen to me. More than thirty-five years ago I fell in love with a handsome, vivacious, impetuous man and never once in all that time, have I wanted to change a thing about you. Together we have done some work on directing some of your behaviours to ones with less negative and self-destructive tendencies. But, my darling, change you? Never! As for giving up on you, it couldn’t happen if I live to be a thousand. As a matter of fact I intend to stick with you for all eternity, so we’ll need to pick a comfy cloud to live on together, when we get to the hereafter.”

Hayden pulled Todd into a tight embrace and gave him a loving kiss, then pulled back and looked him in the eye. “As far as changing approaches goes; well my love, I’ve always been a big believer in the saying ‘if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it’. Seems to me what we’ve been doing all these years has worked just fine and I have no intention of fixing it. So what’s say we get this done so we can move on with our day?”

Todd blinked back tears of self-reproach and hanging his head, reluctantly nodded his agreement. What Hayden said was true; it did work for them. Todd just wished he was better at putting into practice his husband’s ‘redirecting’ theory. While he hated being spanked, Todd was the first to admit when he had earned the chastisement fair and square and this was definitely one of those occasions.

He slowly got to his feet, moved to stand near Hayden’s right knee and with shaky fingers, undid the button and zipper on his pants. Then he waited for Hayden to take over. The ritual was the same every time; Todd was unable to do more than he had just done to prove his compliance with this area of their lives.

Hayden knew all the necessary words had been spoken and that more talk would only delay the inevitable. He reached up and slid Todd’s slacks and silk boxers down and drew his beloved over his lap, ensuring that he was situated as comfortably as possible with his upper body on the sofa. He stopped for a moment to stoke Todd’s tense back with his left hand before he wrapped it securely around the slim waist.

He had to smile at the beautiful white mounds which he would soon turn to a shade of scarlet. Todd was very fastidious about keeping in good physical condition, his butt was nearly as firm and tight and hairless as it had been thirty-five years ago.

He raised his right hand and brought it down with a resounding crack, leaving a crimson hand print on the tender skin. He had a long-practiced method of spanking that he used to ensure the best results. He spanked in a circuit overlapping each strike slightly over the last one, down the right cheek to the mid-thigh then moved across to the left thigh and up, to complete the circle; then covered the inner spaces in the same circle before returning to the beginning.

Despite his normally flamboyant nature, Todd was not one to wail or cry out loudly. He would grip the cushion firmly and stoically maintain himself with only silent tears falling until Hayden had covered the complete spanking circuit about four times. Usually by the fourth round Hayden would hear the sobbing begin. Today was no different, but he continued on until Todd reached the point where his breath was catching in gasps and moans; then Hayden knew it was time to stop.

Hayden sat gently stroking Todd’s back, soothing him with words of love until he’d calmed a bit. He then helped Todd up enough so that he could slide down to the end of the sofa and Todd could lay on his stomach across the length of the couch with his head on his husband’s lap while he finished crying out his sorrow.

Hayden noticed with a grin that while both the sleeves of Todd’s shirt were soaked with tears, not a drop had fallen on the couch. Only his husband would think of protecting the new furniture from marks while being spanked so thoroughly. He would sit gently carding his hands through Todd’s silky hair until his beloved made the first move.

Todd shifted enough to grab onto his husband’s shirt and bury his wet, hot face against Hayden’s stomach. Gradually over the next several minutes, his muffled sobs turned to shuddering hitches, enabling him to hear the soft words of comfort that were being murmured as he relaxed under the large soothing hand rhythmically moving in a familiar pattern over his back.

“I’m sorry, my love,” Todd whispered in a soft tearful voice. He tried to rearrange his clothing and was grateful for Hayden’s assistance. Even knowing his husband had calls to make, Todd really didn’t feel up to moving away from the man whom he loved with all his heart. Badly in need of the older man’s loving support, Todd contentedly stayed right where he was.

There had been many times over the years that it had meant sitting like this for over an hour, but Hayden would never complain. He felt so privileged that such a wonderful man would give himself over to Hayden’s control, that no sacrifice of time or comfort was too great.

Finally Todd looked up. “I’m sorry, Hayden. Do you think you’ll be able to convince the painters to come back by yourself? It’s probably for the best if I don’t try to help you, right?”

“I know you’re sorry, sweetheart, but let it go now. We’ve dealt with the issue and it’s all over,” Hayden said as he continued to stroke his husband’s hair. “As far as the painters go, I’m going to call them soon and ensure that they return to finish the job they are contracted to do. Though I understand that they may not have appreciated your ‘enthusiastic’ response to the job they were doing in the bedroom. We are likely as not going to have to pay extra to have the wall you worked on fixed up. But the fact is, they agreed to paint in the colours we chose and since they did not do so, they are out the time and cost of what they had done. When they do return, I expect you to behave civilly. However, I will not have you feeling that you have less right to question or discuss any issues you have with the job they do. We are paying them to paint our home and you have every right to tell them if it’s not up to standard, so no hiding from them or feeling less in charge of things than I am. This is your home too.”

Todd smiled at Hayden. In Todd’s eyes, this man was bigger than life and knew him so well. Yes, his husband was fully aware of Todd’s tendency to simply put his nose in the air and walk away from situations where he felt others would ridicule or ignore him. Of course Hayden also recognized that his lover used a stuck-up attitude as a cover to keep his hurt or embarrassment hidden.

“You are right, darling. This is our home and we will stand together. I’ll try very hard to hold my tongue and just watch you work your magic as you smooth talk the workers into returning.” He ginned sassily at Hayden before soundly kissing him. “I love you, Hayden, more and more with every passing day. Thank you for always being here for me,” he murmured, tightening his arms about his husband’s neck.

Hayden and Todd enjoyed a cuddle in the couch for another half hour before they finally knew it was time to move on with their day. Hayden spent less than ten minutes on the phone with the man who owned the painting business. More than thirty-five years as a lawyer made him a very good negotiator and Hayden was more than used to getting exactly what he wanted in a business transaction.

The two men spent the day unpacking and putting things away on the main floor of the house. It was really beginning to look like a home with the area carpets and furnishings in place. The kitchen was almost completely set up to Todd’s exacting standards.

The worst moment of the day had been when Todd discovered a Waterford crystal wine glass had broken during the move. However, a promise from Hayden to call Atkinson’s China Shop in Vancouver and order a replacement seemed to appease him.

By the end of the day the master bedroom had been painted to their satisfaction. Hayden handed the contractor a cheque which included a nice bonus for their efforts.

When the workmen left Hayden was feeling very pleased with the way the day had gone. He realized that by tomorrow they would be able to move into the house to stay. He looked at his watch and noticed it was well past five p.m. and time they headed back to Zack’s as their son was expecting them for dinner.

Now all he had to do was drag Todd away from the house. Once his beloved sank his teeth into setting things up, it was very hard to convince him to stop. Left to his own devices, Hayden knew his husband would work half the night getting things just perfect. ‘Well,’ he thought for the second time that day, ‘no sense putting off the inevitable.’

“Todd, my love, it’s time to call it a night. Zack is expecting us by six!”

Todd somewhat reluctantly put down the dining room linen he was unpacking, took a last longing look around and deferentially responded to Hayden’s request. “Coming, Darling!” He caught up with his husband and smirked at him. “Bet you don’t hear me say that too often, huh?” He laughed merrily at his own joke and headed out the door.

“Tomorrow! Just think, Hayden. Tomorrow we will be living in our own home again.” Todd rubbed his hand together in glee as he practically bounced down the path to Hayden’s car. “I can hardly wait to get everything in place so we can entertain. Of course, our very first dinner guests will be our Piglets,” he informed his lover as they buckled up their seatbelts. Turning to the man beside him, he seriously asked, “What is it they say? Something like, ‘Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives’?” He settled back in his seat, sighed contentedly and softly murmured, “and it really is, my darling, it really is.”

The End

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