The Invitation

Co-written by: Mel and LJ

Rene hung up the phone and slumped back against the chair. What was he going to do? The invitation had been demanding and clear. Rene was expected to come home in ten days for his parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary celebration. However, it was also made very clear that he was to come alone. He could still hear his father’s voice ringing in his ear.

“I will not have your mother embarrassed by having to explain to our friends and relatives that her son has a...a relationship with man.” The word ‘relationship’ had been spoken as if it were a curse. “I expect you to come on your own and there will be no talk of this lifestyle you’ve chosen. You owe respect to your parents, Rene, most especially your mother. She’s a saint of a woman and deserves better than this.”

Rene felt both anger and guilt. He wanted so much to make his parents proud of him but that would never happen as long as he was gay. But how could he live a lie and pretend he was anything but? Besides, he loved Zack and was truly happy here with him. ‘God, I hate this,’ he thought. ‘Why did I ever answer the phone?’

He looked at the clock. It was four thirty and he’d promised Zack he’d have dinner ready for five-thirty. He wandered into the kitchen to get it started. However, when he opened the refrigerator, instead of pulling out the chicken and vegetables, he pulled out a beer. He soon had the bottle drained and returned to the fridge for another. By the time Zack came through the apartment door at five-thirty, he’d polished off six bottles and was searching the fridge for another.

If Zack was shocked to see the condition of his partner, his immediate actions didn’t demonstrate it. He calmly walked up behind Rene, took the bottle out of the younger man’s hand, placed it back on the shelf and shut the fridge door. Next, he gently steered his somewhat swaying Brat over to the table. “Sit down before you fall down,” he instructed, pulling out a couple of chairs and firmly pushing the other man into one while he sat down on the other to face him.

“Okay, Rene, what’s up? This is not something you’ve made a habit of in the past,” he glanced at the empties sitting on the counter and grimaced. They would deal with that later. Right now the ‘why’ behind the drinking matter more than the actual drinking itself. “So what brought all this on, baby?” Zack’s voice was soft and totally devoid of accusation. Although a trace of the concern he tried to keep hidden was evident, he suspected his lover was not in a state to notice it.

Between the alcohol and mixed feelings about his family, Rene was not in the mood to hear Zack’s gentle inquiry nor did he care to be told to sit down. He jumped up from the chair, stumbling away from his lover. “Nothing’s up! Can’t a guy have a couple of beers after work?” he yelled.

He suddenly thought about the forgotten dinner he’d promised to prepare. Hoping to change the subject away from his drinking, he opened the fridge and began to pull out the dinner ingredients. “Sorry dinner’s late. I’ll get that going now.” He accidently dropped the chicken package on the floor, causing it to split open. “Oops,” he said as he looked at the mess.

“That’s enough, Rene!” Zack placed in hands on his Brat’s upper arms and maneuvered him over to the corner. “I told you to sit down but seeing as you prefer not to, you can stand here instead. Now, I am asking you again to tell me what has happened to cause you to behave so out of character.” Zack’s voice was firm as he steadily massaged Rene’s rigidly-held neck and shoulders. Something was obviously bothering his lover and Zack was not pleased with being kept in the dark. It gave him a feeling of helplessness and prevented him from making things easier for the one he loved and cared about most.

When the only response was a silent shrug, he sighed his frustration and quietly ordered, “Okay, Rene, this is how we are going to handle this. I am going to wipe up the floor and start supper. You, my love, are going to remain right where you are until you decide to talk about what led up to you being in this position.” He bent slightly and gently kissed the back of his partner’s neck.

Rene stared at the wall and squirmed, trying to push away Zack’s tender touch. He didn’t deserve to be treated kindly when he knew he was behaving so badly towards his partner. But he couldn’t give Zack what he was asking for either. How could he explain the shitty invitation that not only didn’t include his lover, but purposefully excluded him and all mention of him?

Rene wanted to just tell his father to shove it, but he couldn’t hurt his mother like that. He knew his parents were bigoted against gays, a view that was reinforced by their religious beliefs, but they were still his family and he did owe them respect, didn’t he?

He could hear Zack digging in the cupboard looking for the spray cleaner for the floor. Suddenly the corner was feeling claustrophobic, almost like he couldn’t breathe. He needed out of here now. He glanced over his shoulder. Zack’s back was to him as he crouched over the floor. Rene moved quietly out of the kitchen, picked up his running shoes, slipped out the door and tore down the stairs; the outside door slamming behind him as he ran.

Rene quickly shoved his feet into the shoes and ran through the back parking lot to the street entry without any thought as to where he was going or what he was doing.

Zack was startled by the slamming of the door. He looked around to see if Rene had been disturbed by the unexpected noise, only to find himself staring at an empty corner. His head fell back and he stared up at the ceiling, praying to the powers that be, for patience. Rene had taken off for parts unknown and all Zack could do was wait for his Brat to return, but he was far from happy about it. In fact, he was decidedly ticked-off. But mostly he was just plain worried.

He puttered around for a bit, straightening up the room and putting the supper ingredients away, all the while racking his brain to come up with an inkling of what could have upset his young partner this much.

Zack had spent some time wearing a hole in the living room carpet as he paced in circles, when a sudden thought had him checking the call-display on the phone. Seeing an unfamiliar number, he impulsively dialed it and stood listening to an answering machine belonging to Marjorie and Albert Wilson. He slowly lowered the receiver, wondering if and why that was the call that had so upset his partner.

“I’ve got to go find him,” Zack muttered, having decided he’s waited long enough for his Brat’s return. He grabbed his car keys and headed out the door.

It took twenty minutes of cruising Jade Heights before Zack spotted the one he was searching for. His heart went out to the forlorn looking figure sitting hunched over on a park bench. After parking the car, Zack walked over and quietly sat down beside Rene. “Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart,” he murmured, leaning in close and putting his arm around Rene’s shoulders.

Rene thought he should have been surprised that Zack found him, but somehow he’d known the whole time he’d been sitting here that his partner would show up.

The effects of the beer had worn off and he was left feeling nothing but miserably depressed. His eyes filled with tears as he looked at the wonderful man who had taken him into his heart and home. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled as the tears poured down his face.

“Oh, baby, don’t cry,” Zack soothed as he crushed the young man to him and kissed his head. Pulling a clean handkerchief from his back pocket, he held it up to Rene’s face. “Here you go, love.”

Rene scrubbed away the tears with Zack’s handkerchief. He held it to his face as if to cover his misery. It smelled of Zack and made him feel a little better.

The two men sat in companionable silence for several moments, before Zack suggested they make their way home. “How do you feel about us picking up a pizza for supper? It might be easier to talk over some comfort food, huh?”

Rene nodded his head at Zack’s suggestion of pizza though he didn’t think he could eat a thing. He silently followed his lover back to the car; then they went and picked up their favourite pizza and headed home. In short order, he found himself seated on the couch in their apartment with a slice of pizza sitting on a plate in his hand.

Zack was going to expect an explanation of his behaviour today and he knew he couldn’t give the real one. It would make Zack feel bad and he couldn’t do that to his lover. Maybe he could say he’d messed up the mural he was working on. After all, Zack would never know his father had called. But how was he going to go to Vancouver withoutexplaining the trip? Oh fuck, why was his so life so complicated?

“I know your stomach isn’t feeling its’ best, honey, but keeping it empty isn’t going to help.” Realizing he was failing at badgering his Brat into eating, Zack opted for starting the much needed conversation. “Tell me, love, which one of your parents called today and what was said to distress you enough to send you spinning out of control?” He smiled inwardly at the look of shock on the other man’s face.

Rene put his untouched pizza on the coffee table. He couldn’t believe what Zack just said. “How, umm...?” He looked at his partner’s patient, kind face. He looked so much like his dad; a man filled with love and understanding. Zack came from a small but wonderful family who made him feel respected and wanted.

It wasn’t that Rene’s family didn’t love him. He’d been loved and well cared for growing up. But his parents never had any understanding of who Rene was. They were dismayed at his choice of career and shocked when he’d revealed he was gay. No understanding there at all.

“It was my dad,” he sighed. “My parents are celebrating their fortieth anniversary and I have to go home next Saturday for the party. That’s all. Nothing distressed me. I...I just had too many beers. I’m sorry.” He didn’t want to lie to his lover but he couldn’t tell him about his parents’ lousy attitude.

Zack furrowed his eyebrows. He had picked up on the ‘I have to go’, not a ‘we’ve been invited’. ‘There’s more to this; I am certain of it,’ he thought. ‘My Brat is hurting. What isn’t he telling me?’

Reaching for Rene’s hand, Zack held it and gently circled the back of it with his thumb. “I learned about the phone call when I checked the display. I didn’t talk to either of your parents as they were not available. However, seeing as I’ve asked you several times to tell me what is upsetting you and not yet hearing the full story, I am giving seriously consideration to getting in touch with them and hearing what was said, first hand.” Zack’s voice remained calm but decisive.

He recognized the need for him to put his foot down. It was for his partner’s well-being as well as for the sake of their relationship that he insisted on the lines of communication being kept opened. “You’ve made a number of wrong choices today, Rene, lying by omission being one of them. I strongly suggest you not dig yourself in further.” Zack watched as his partner squirmed under his penetrating gaze. “Tell me, love, do your parents have a problem with your sexual orientation?” he inquired as a thought unexpectedly hit home.

“My can’t call wouldn’t like what they’d say to you. You don’t want to know anything about them, okay? They’re nothing like yours!” Rene ranted his voice cracking. “You wouldn’t like them and they wouldn’t like you. Hell, I don’t think they even like me! Okay, so just forget about them. I’ll go to their party. You’ll never have to deal with them.”

He looked pleadingly at his partner. “Zack, you really don’t want to know anymore. It’s my problem, not yours.” Rene looked away from his partner as tears began to fall again.

Zack lifted the much lighter man, solidly plunked him down on his lap and wrapped his arms tightly around him. “Oh, baby,” he softly cooed, rocking slightly. “You could not be more mistaken. It is as much my problem as yours. You’re mine now and what hurts you, hurts me. And while I definitely dislike how they’ve made you feel, I am not in the least bit concerned about whether or not they like me. Rene, my love, many people find it difficult and in some cases impossible to accept differences in others. There is nothing we can do about it.”

Feeling the man in his arms relaxing a little, Zack gently kissed his partner’s wet cheeks and wiped away the tears before continuing. “We are going to discuss this further, but first I want you to know I will support any decision you make in regards to your parents upcoming celebration. Are you with me on this, sweetheart?”

Rene nodded his head. “I’m with you,” he mumbled into Zack’s shoulder. He felt very secure and loved in his partner’s arms. As he thought about the day, he began to realize just how badly he’d treated Zack. He’d been totally disrespectful of this wonderful man and didn’t know how he could ever make it up to him.

Zack nodded and gave the man on his lap a tight squeeze before shifting him to sit on the sofa. “How about we eat first? Unless we prefer to eat this pizza cold,” Zack grimaced at the thought. “You can tell me about the rest of your day, love. We deal with the less positive aspects of it after supper, okay?” He smiled at his partner, picked up his triangle of only slightly warm pizza and took a big bite. Seeing his actions were not being imitated, he swallowed and calmly but firmly stated, “I want you to eat, Rene. You need something in your stomach so I am not taking ‘no’ for an answer.”

Rene sighed. He really didn’t want to eat but knew Zack wouldn’t let him away without consuming at least one full piece. This was his favourite pizza; extra cheese, mushrooms, peppers and sausage, but today it seemed very unappealing. He took a small bite and began to answer Zack’s inquiry about his day, hoping talking about somethingpleasant might make the food go down easier.

“I started painting the colour in the mural at the day care. Miss Stephanie seems very pleased with the outline and the kids are so cute.” Rene picked some more at the food as he talked. “They stand on the other side of the barrier she put up and talk to me about painting. This one little girl, Tiffany, insisted I come and see her painting that was hanging on the wall in the entry of the centre.”

He talked some more about his time at the daycare and by the time he finished, Rene had eaten all but the crust which he tossed on his plate hoping that Zack wouldn’t push any more on him. He was dreading the discussion on the way the day had gone down hill after he came home from working.

Although Zack would have like his partner to eat a bit more, he wasn’t about to make an issue of it. He simply resigned himself to the fact they’d be having cold pizza tomorrow. At least Rene now had something in his stomach besides beer. Zack was also aware they could no longer avoid the topic most on both their minds.

“It is nice to hear how well things are going at the daycare, honey. I’m sure the little ones are rather sweet. However, right now I think we have to discuss the rest of your day, don’t we? I’d really like to learn more about your parents and what it is about them that distresses you so much.” Zack’s voice was firm and his expression unwavering. He sat back to wait patiently for Rene to open up; something the older man knew would not come easy for his partner.

Rene sat chewing on his lip for a few moments. He knew Zack would only be patient for so long before he took some action to get the answers he was looking for. He drew a bracing breath and began. “Marjorie and Rene Albert Wilson Sr. are my parents. Dad is called by his middle name, Albert or Al for short, though. They called me Rene to avoidconfusion. They aren’t bad people. I mean, I know they me and I was always well cared for and everything. Mom and Dad are strict Catholics. I went to Catholic schools and was raised to follow in the faith.”

It wasn’t easy to say what he needed to. Rene had never discussed this with anyone else. “I figured out I was gay when I was about fifteen, though I tried very hard to fight it. The church taught us it was a sin against God; a perversion, so I could never let on how I felt. I remember really clearly going to a restaurant with my family when I was seventeen and there was this gay couple sitting near us holding hands and having what obviously was an intimate conversation; not that we could hear the words, but you could tell. My dad called the waiter over and demanded he move us away from ‘those disgusting fags’ as he didn’t want his wife and children to be exposed to them.”

Silent tears tracked down Rene’s face. Not once had he met Zack’s eyes while he spoke; he felt so ashamed. “I was really good in art, right from grade school on. My High School art teacher was the one who suggested I take fine arts in university. My dad never thought that art was a decent profession for a man. He said since I could draw and design so well, I should become an architect. So I started as an architect major at Simon Fraser University but I hated it so much, I changed to fine arts after the first semester; though I never told my parents until I was in my fourth year. I was lucky that my grandfather had left me the money for university so I didn’t have to depend on my parents to fund something they would not approve of.”

He felt Zack’s comforting hand rubbing his back as he spoke and it gave him the courage to go on. “When I was in third year, I went to my first LGTBA meeting and began to learn what being gay really meant. After talking to a friend, I decided to tell my family. So during Reading Week that year, I came out. My dad and mom were prettyhorrified. Mom wanted me to see a shrink, figuring it was something they could cure. Dad thought it was the evil influences at the U that had corrupted me. But I was over eighteen and didn’t depend on them financially so they could do nothing about it. In the end they said though they loved me, they never wanted anything to do with my being gay. I wasn’t to tell any of the family friends or relatives or, God forbid, anyone from the church. It’s been that way with them since. That’s why, when I graduated with a fine arts degree rather than the architecture one they had expected, I decided to hit the road and live my life my way.”

“That is, until I met you.” Rene finally looked at Zack and gave a small smile. “Now, I have a life with you that is more than I could have dreamed for. I’ve been so happy lately; until my dad called today. I don’t know what to do, Zack. I owe them the respect to be there for their anniversary, but God I wish I could bring you. I want to be like everyone else and bring my life partner with me but they’ll never allow it. I can’t even hint at anything to do with you or our life together.” More tears poured down his face as Rene released his sorrow. “I’m sorry I didn’t show you the trust and respect you deserve and tell you all this before. I treated you and us very badly today. You must think I’m horrible.”

Zack kept up the rhythmic caresses on his partner’s back, silently taking in all that was being said. His heart went out to the young man whom he loved so much. Finally the flow of words ebbed, even though the tears didn’t.

‘First things, first,’ the older man thought, knowing they had two big issues to deal with. Moving over and closing the small gap between them, Zack spoke softly but succinctly. “Rene, you are my life-partner, my lover and my closest friend. You are the man I love with all my heart. I could never for a moment think you were horrible. I am relieved to learn that you had a good childhood and that you know your parents love you. Their inability to accept you for who you are is not your fault. Hell, on some level it may not even be their fault. But it is something you are just going to have to live with. Actually, it is something we are both going to have to live with.” He gently hugged the younger man and lightly kissed his wet cheek.

Taking the box of tissues from the end table, Zack pulled out half a dozen and handed them to Rene. “Here, love, blow your nose and dry your face while I tell you what is going to happen next weekend. On Friday night, you and I are going to drive down to Vancouver and get a room for two nights at the Days Inn. We’ll do the tourist thing or anything else you’d like. We’ll also look for a special anniversary gift. If I am not mistaken, the fortieth is Ruby. But I can check that out with Papa, he’s bound to know. Saturday afternoon, I will drop you off at your parents’ and you can stay for as long or as short a time as you feel comfortable with. When you are ready to leave, you will call me and I’ll come and get you. Aside from the time you spend with your family, you and I will be together; just the two of us, baby. What do you think of the idea? Not that you have a heck of a lot to say about it, mind you,” Zack informed him, chuckling at the wide-eyed look he received.

Rene was a bit shocked and yet very comforted by Zack’s edict. He still felt sad that his parents would not accept him for who he truly was and sadder still that he could not bring Zack home to meet them. However, he would go to the celebration, give his love to them and spend a bit of time there. He was relieved that he didn’t have to stay at his parents’ home over night, though he knew his mother would be disappointed.

“Thank you, Zack. I think it’s a wonderful idea. Even if you were giving me a choice, I know I’d choose to go with you like this.” He hesitated for a moment then decided it was better to just spit it out than stew on it. “Zack, you’re going to spank me, aren’t you? For the stuff I did today?”

“Yes, Rene, I am,” Zack unwaveringly confirmed his Brat’s suspicions. “But first I want to make sure you know why you’re being punished and what you could have done differently. I’d like you to tell me what you think constituted unacceptable behaviour on your part.”

Rene looked at his partner in surprise. Zack actually wanted him to say it all? The steady patient look on Zack’s face told Rene that his lover wasn’t joking and he’d have to do this. Sighing deeply, he began. “I should have talked to you after my dad called and told you what he said and how it was making me feel.”

He chewed his lip for a moment, hoping Zack would think that was enough. But the other man just sat with that expectant look on his face, so he had to go on. “I shouldn’t have drunk so much beer.” At Zack’s stern glance, he amended that statement. “Okay, I shouldn’t have drunk any beer when I was upset.”

Damn, Zack was still waiting. “And I wasn’t very respectful of you when you came home. I lied when I said nothing was wrong. Then I ran off when you told me to stay in the corner. I suppose I kept up the lie until you kinda pried it out of me by saying you’d call my parents and ask them. I think that’s all, isn’t it?” he asked sadly.

“I think that just about covers everything and you’re quite right in regards to the drinking. It is not very helpful as a problem solver, nor are the improper actions resulting from over indulging when upset or angry.” Zack gazed lovingly at his partner. He was so proud of the effort his Brat had made to set thing right between them. “Thank you, sweetheart. I know it was difficult for you to tell me all this, but I had to make sure we were on the same track. We had a bit of a communication problem earlier. It is of the utmost importance in our type of relationship to be open and above board with each other. We can’t afford to shut one another out.”

Rene listened to Zack’s words and knew how badly he’d messed things up today. He prayed that he would never mess things up so much that Zack couldn’t deal with it any more.

“I know it’s important for us to talk, just sometimes it’s so hard to say things like this. I was embarrassed to tell you that my parents wouldn’t accept you when your dads are so great to me. But I will try harder to remember to talk to you when something is bothering me. I’m really sorry.”

“You need never be embarrassed for the actions of someone else, love. The only problem I have with your parents’ attitude is that it has hurt you.” Zack smiled contritely. “Guess I don’t deal too well with someone hurting the man I love.” He gave Rene knee an encouraging squeeze.

“There is no point in putting off the inevitable, is there, sweetheart,” Zack stated simply but in a tone that allowed for no contradiction. He watched his young lover stand up and lower his jeans and boxers. “I know you’re sorry, babe. But trust me; we’re going to be fine.” He spoke softly as he guided Rene over his lap and into position.

Zack’s hard hand unhurriedly began a stinging assault on the bare bottom in front of him. One measured swat after another, gradually picking up speed and paying close attention to the firm under-curve of the reddening cheeks until Zack was in no doubt that his Brat would be reminded of this spanking every time he sat down for the next day or so. Finally, the punishing hand slowed and began caressing gentle circles on the glowing backside.

Murmuring words of love and comfort, Zack waited for Rene to make the next move. There was no need to rush.

Rene remained for a long while across Zack’s lap with his face buried deep into his arms. He wept away the anger and guilt he’d been holding inside. It had been a hard and painful spanking, leaving him in doubt if he’d ever sit again. However, that seemed to matter little as the pain was over-ridden by the security and love he felt.

Finally he slid down onto his knees, wrapped his arms tightly around Zack’s waist and laid his tear-stained face on his lover’s lap. Zack continued his quietly spoken words of love as he carded his fingers through Rene’s hair.

After trying to come up with just the right words to say, he gave up thinking and just said what came from his heart. He smiled up at his partner’s face. “Thank you for loving me and taking care of me and for being my Top. You know that I love you, but I also want you to know that I respect you more than anyone I have ever known and that I know how very lucky I am to have you.”

Zack tightly encircled his lover’s shoulders and rocked him. “I love you too, baby, and consider myself blessed to have you in my life. You are the one who makes me whole. You have no idea how proud I am of you,” Zack whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. Both men lost track of time while they reconnected through gentle touches and softly spoken words love and forgiveness.

Eventually, Zack reluctantly sat back. “It’s getting late, sweetheart, and just about time to call it a day. That is unless you feel up to finishing off this cold pizza.” He chuckled when his Brat glanced at the remains of their supper and curled his lip in disgust at the idea eating it.


It was a little over a week later when Zack pulled up in front of the Wilson’s large house. They had arrived in Vancouver the evening before, had taken in a show and enjoyed a leisurely dinner at an upscale restaurant before returning to the hotel where they had reservations. This morning, once they decided it was time to leave their room, they had gone shopping for an anniversary gift.

Turning off the car, Zack smiled at the man in the passenger seat. “All right, Rene, you can stay for as short or as long a time as you are comfortable with. When you’re ready to leave; call me and I’ll come get you.” They had already discussed this but Zack thought it bore repeating as the younger man had changed his mind so often over the past week. He understood his partner’s apprehension over the impeding visit with his parents and his uncertainty about whether or not any unpleasantness would arise.

Recognizing the expression of indecision on his Brat’s face, Zack enveloped him in his warm arms, pulled him close and passionately kissed him, seeking entrance into his lover’s mouth. “Remember you are mine,” Zack growled when several long moments had passed and he ended the claiming kiss that had Rene melting against the broad chest and clinging onto the older man’s shirt. Zack fully expected his display of ownership to quell any doubts his lover might have in regards to whom he belonged.

“I trust this was helpful in alleviating any qualms you may have, my love?” he asked, sitting Rene up straight and softly caressing the side of his Brat’s face. “Can you carry on now?”

Rene smiled and nodded, hardly able to form words after such a kiss. Finally he pulled himself together. “Thank you for everything, Zack. I love you and I’ll be okay.” He picked up the beautifully wrapped package from the back seat and exited the car.

Slightly more than three hours later a somewhat shaky Rene was climbing back into the car, relieved to feel Zack’s strong arms around him again. He had dutifully stayed away from the alcohol after Zack had warned him about not using liquor as a crutch when he was having a difficult time. So he’d downed four cups of coffee, but the caffeineonly adding to his jitteriness.

As they drove back to the hotel, Zack asked how the party had gone. Rene didn’t want to talk about how he was feeling. Some of the time had been nice but a lot of it had been filled with stress and tension. Though doubtful, he hoped Zack would accept his brief reply. “It was okay.”

Zack felt his partner stiffen and knew he was holding back. He could only guess at how trying the event must have been for Rene. Zack remembered how his chest had swelled with pride earlier when watching his Brat walk up the path to his parents’ home. He had seen him falter slightly before squaring his shoulders and holding his head a little higher, and then bravely opening the front door.

“We’ll go back to our room to relax, babe, and you can tell me all about it.” Zack’s voice left little uncertainty as to whether or not they would be discussing things further. The older man felt fairly confident about his partner being grateful for not having to thrash it out in the car.

“Strip!” Zack ordered as soon as he shut the door to their suite. He was shedding his own clothing as he walked into the bathroom. He began to run water into the large whirlpool tub, added a few drops of oil and turned to grin at his beautiful lover. He was pleased to see he had been obeyed. Rene was standing in the doorway, stark naked. “In you go, love; I’ll join you in a second.”

Within minutes, the two lovers were relaxing in the soothing scented water. Zack held his Brat seated between his legs with his back leaning against Zack’s chest. He tightened his arms around his young lover and softly commanded in his ear, “Talk to me.”

Rene sighed. The discussion they’d had only a week ago had centered on communication and not keeping things inside that needed to be shared and discussed.

As a matter of fact, Zack had made it very clear at the time that there was now a rule in place which required Rene to open up and share any feelings or issues that affected him or their relationship. “No secrets,” Zack had said to him; other than such secrets that one kept with regards to giving of gifts or surprise celebrations and the like.

Well it did feel awfully nice soaking in this huge tub, held so securely in his Top’s arms. Perhaps talking about the afternoon might not be too bad. ‘As if I had a choice,’ he thought.

“When I got there, Mom greeted me at the door. She seemed real happy to see me, so that was kinda nice. But within minutes, Dad took me aside and reminded me to keep my lifestyle to myself so as not to ruin the day Mom had worked so hard for. Though you know, Zack, I kinda suspect that it’s Dad who would be more embarrassed than Mom.

Anyway, in less than an hour I wanted to leave. So many relatives and old family friends were asking what I was doing and where I was living. I really hated lying to them, so I told a partial truth that I was living in Jade Heights and working on my art. God, I musta been asked about twenty times if I had a girl friend there. Then doesn’t Father McGruther say he saw a copy of the Jade Heights Journal when he was in Kelowna on conference, and he’d seen that piece I wrote about the art festival. My father just glared at me. I guess he thought the article might be on some gay issue.

It was only when my sister Dorothy arrived with her husband and kids that I felt like staying. The girls are really beautiful; Jennifer is four and Leah is two. I got to play with them for a while until Dorothy interrupted and asked if I wanted to go outside to look at Mom’s flower garden.

I knew she didn’t really want to look at flowers but I had to wait until we were alone. That’s when she hugged me and told me how sorry she was that she had gone along with our parents’ treatment of me. We talked for nearly an hour about Jade Heights, but mostly I told stories about you and how great you are. She and Robert, that’s her husband, would like to come visit us sometime in the spring, if that’s okay?

We were interrupted when Dad called us in to pose for some family photos.” Rene paused, remembering. He felt broken-hearted when his brother-in-law was happily included in pictures of ‘the family’ that Zack would never be welcomed into. He decided that was a morsel of pain he could just skip over and forget.

“Anyway, after that my sister was busy helping Mom and I really didn’t think I could take any more, so I called you. I think Mom was a bit disappointed I was going, but all Dad said was thank you for coming.”

Rene had drawn up his knees as he spoke, holding them against his body as he pushed back as if trying to get more contact with Zack than he already had while being held so tightly. He needed to be as small as possible as if to make himself less noticeable or vulnerable.

Zack had remained silent throughout his lover’s narrative; his emotions ranging from relieved and pleased to slightly annoyed at the perceived lack of warmth on Mr. Wilson’s part towards his son.

“All members of your family will be welcomed in our home, Rene,” Zack eventually spoke. “And I would love to meet your sister and her husband. Children, huh? That makes us uncles…I kind of like that.”

After another reassuring hug, Zack picked up the washcloth and generously lathered it with soap. Next, he leisurely washed his lover, soothing him and letting him know with every touch how very much he was loved. The water was cooling down when they finally got out of the tub and Zack wrapped a warmed towel around Rene. Once dry, the two naked men climbed into bed and reached for each other.

Zack embraced his lover and kissed him, his lips gently opening Rene’s mouth and his tongue entering to taste him.

Gone were all thoughts of his parents and of feeling sad, as Rene responded to his lover’s demanding mouth. There was something undeniably hot about the way Zack would possess him while they made love; not a square inch of him felt neglected or unloved. Zack’s tongue ravaged his mouth and his hands were all over Rene’s body, touching, pinching, and then entering him.

He hadn’t even been aware of his lover reaching for the lube but he was certainly aware of the forceful slick fingers as they slid into him. He was stretched and teased by those hot digits, being brought to the edge of climax several times.

When Rene thought he could take no more, Zack pushed his legs back and slid his large erection deep inside the younger man with a single thrust. Rene screeched out in ecstasy!

Zack took his time as he slowly plunged into his partner again and again. He angled the thrusts so as to hit Rene’s prostate each time and send ripples of pleasure through him. He knew his young lover well, knew what excited him most, and knew how to bring him to a frenzied state of arousal. He got into a rhythm and steadily picked up the tempo while matching his hip movements to those of the hand he was using to stroke Rene’s swollen penis.

The young man’s back arched in spasm seconds before both men shouted out their release; Rene’s over Zack’s hand and Zack’s deep within his lover’s body. Zack soundly kissed his lover as he softened inside him. He lowered himself next to Rene, holding him close in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Gazing into what he considered the most beautiful blue eyes in the world, Zack tenderly whispered, “Will you marry me, my love?”

Rene was still on that natural high that one gets after an orgasm. He was staring into his lover’s eyes and filled with such happiness and contentment, that Zack’s question didn’t even register for a moment. When his brain finally began to comprehend the words, he found he was in such shock he couldn’t seem to form a cohesive sentence.

“Mar...mar.. .marry you?” he asked. When Zack nodded and smiled, Rene felt the world must have come to astop to await his reply. “Yes! Yes, of course I’ll marry you!”

The End

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